Sunday 1 July 2012


For the longest time I have wanted to start a blog. To have a forum to discuss the things which truly interest, inspire and intrigue me! I have begun this blog initially as a way of sharing my love of all things beauty, fashion and makeup (humble beginnings I know!) and who knows once I get rolling I may throw a handful or two of substance in there!
When I stumble upon a good blog I love how I can get a feel for what makes a person tics, almost as if I am able to peruse through their thoughts. Viewing pictures which serve as snapshots of precious memories/things in someone’s life and i think it is a really special ting how people are willing to share a snippet of their life with you. Hopefully this will offer some resemblance of that for you too!
If you are a blogger please leave your details below I would love to check out your blog! :) I thought I would end every blog post with a beauty quote as this is originally intended to be a beauty BlogSpot... so let’s begin with an old favourite.....
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
See you soon!
BeautyBelle x


  1. Congrats on starting a blog. I recently took the plunge too. Its a great community to get into.

    Good Luck, I'll look out for more of your blogs. Do you have twitter?

    C x

  2. Hello, my first blog viewer! haha! thanks for checking my blog out :) I'm enjoying the blogging experience thus far (the whole one day of it! haha!) I'll pop past and check out yours!

    Have a lovely evening Clare!

    I am on twitter @kelz03 x

    1. Aww. I have learnt relatively quickly certain elements of blogger, so if you need any help drop me a tweet or something. For my blog on twitter I'm @abotat90 x

  3. Hi,
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog.
